About Entertainment Inc!


by A Comedy by Jack Heifner
May 24, 25 1985

Directed by Jack Dyville

Vanities is a three scene story of three girlfriends in Texas who are cheeleaders and later become sorority sisters.  It depicts the way their lives change over a ten year period that includes the assasination of President John F. Kennedy, the height of the Vietnam War and the women's movement. 

The Cast

Joanne      Cheryl Olson
Kathy Faith McFarling
Mary Christie Strand

Production Staff

Producer-Director Jack Dyville
Asst. to Director/ Production Stage Manager  Vicki Finders
Asst. Stage Manger Vicki Lgerski
Scenic Designer Michael Quale
Set Construction Doug Flaten, Michael Quale, Vicki Finders, Jeff Larson
Props Ronnie Kitzenberg
Lighting and Sound Joe Mendro, Jr., Gene Levitt, Sue Hoffer, Deb Scott, Milton Schultz
Costumes Cathy Snyder, Oral Johnson, Michael Quale, lCheryl Olson, Faith McFarling, Christie Strand
Publicity Sharon  Hoglund
Program-Poster Design Jack Dyville
Official Photographer Rich Mahar
Hostesses Cathy Snyder, Renee Kitsch, Julie Larson, Kathy Bartz, Lynn Mendro, Katie Sevde

Thank You's

Dennis Stromme- Voice of Principal

Katie Sevde, Rhonda Mellang, Ronnie  Kitzenberg- Understudies