About Entertainment Inc!

Much Ado About Murder

by Pat Cook
November 11,12, 13,14,19,20,21, 1999

Directed by B. Michael Quale


Somewhere someones done in somebody usint something!

Who dunit?  With what?  Where?  Enter the realm of suspicion and doubt and join the search for the culprit of a delicious madcap caper.  Be prepared for plots, twists, intriguing characters, and malicious motives.  Join us for fun for this dinner theater presentation.  Food served to the audiences is guaranteed to be non-lethal.

The Cast

Mr. Hawker         Jim Ryen
Jolene Shawnta Wilson         
Blance Jacky Kummer
Steven       Luke Holter
Leslie Mark Holter
Wesley Paul VanBerkom
Lillian Jennifer Innis
Malcolm Dave Richter
Kimberly Sara Brown

Production Staff

Director B. Michael Quale
Assistant Director Susan Snyder
Stage Design B. Michael Quale
Sound TEch Ken Hansen
Light Tech B. Michael Quale, Mary Chartier
Stage Crew Susan Snyder
Program Sharon Radle
Dinner Chair Person Mary Jo Harstad
Set Construction Sara Braun, Mary Chartier, Mary Jo Harstad, Anna Hoffman, Paul Van Berkom