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The Miracle Worker

by William Gibson
October 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2003

Directed by B. Michael Quale

Blind and mute, Helen Keller comes under the tutelage of Anne Sullivan, an Irish girl who had been born blind.  Only Anne realizes that there is an extraordinary mind waiting to be rescued from a dark tortured silence. This stirring dramatization of the true story is one of the most successful and admired plays of the modern stage.

The Cast

A Doctor Mr. Anagnos          Randall Kellogg
Kate Keller Susan Snyder
Captain keller Denny Campbell
Helen Keller LeeAnn Clark
Percy Eric Pozgay
Jimmy Keller Matthew Olson
Aunt Ev Vanessa Palmer
Annie sullivan Paula Swenson
Viney Kristi Marshall                     

Production Staff

Director B. Michael Quale
Stage Manager Brad Dokken
Set Design B. Michael Quale
Lights Jim Ryen
Sound B. Michael Quale
Costumes Susan Snyder, B. Michael Quale, Ruby Olson, Wanda Swenson, Caroline Fixen
Set Construction Denny Campbell, Matt Olson, LeeAnn Clark, B. Michael Quale, Randall Kellogg
Props Matt Olson
Box Office Liz Seven

Mary Jo Harstad, Jennifer Kouba


Trinity Regional Eye Clinic, Frontier Museum, Williston Daily Herald, Youth Education on Stage, James Ryen, Ruby Olson, KXMD, Northern Plains Radio, KUMV, Pro-Re-Nata