About Entertainment Inc!

Musical Memories

May 1, 1983

Musical Memories was presented by performing members of Entertainment, Inc! and directed by Sandi Blikre.  A variety of musical numbers were performed by the choral groups, small groups and soloists. 


Sandi Blikre

Chorus Members 

B. Micahel Quale Mary Oyloe Earl Kittleman
Janet Valvik Jeannine Cote Sharon Hoglund
Marie Job Becky Martin Howard Young
Cathy Snyder Lynn Rockstad Norma Oyen
Dorothy Olson Cheryl Sapp Jan Thue
Oral Johnson Gary D. Bickel Dennice Heiser
Irene Schneider Joe Mendro Eleanor Bjelkevig
Madona Ennis Diane Strotheide Wayne Peterson
Elaine R. Rud Renee Kitsch David Binde
Dennis Stromme Mary Kay Evenson Art Hovde
Linda Maisey Kathy Bartz Julie Larson
John Conlin Vicky Berger Sharon Flaten
Duane Severtsen Lucille Hennessy Margo Bartness
Phillip Clouse Ted Lindseth Cynthia Fleming
Mary Jo Lemer Eunice Clouse Mona Slapnicka
Dorothy Stockman Sharon Tininenko Lawrence W. Wankel
Linda Clemes


Show Committees

Show Chairmen--------------Linda Maisey, Marie Job

Decorations and Props-------------------------Sharon Flaten

Sound---------------------------Don Lesmeister, Darryl Cote

Lighting------George Meisel, Jennifer Eide, Jeanie Gerhardt

Publicity----------------------Earl Kittelman, Sharon Hoglund

Script------Eunice Clouse, Chairman; Earl Kittelman, Eleanor Bjelkevig

Tickets-----Joe Mendro, Chairman; Joan Mendro,

Karen Young, Jeanette Price

Programs------------------Lynn Rockstad, Linda Clemes

Costumes--------Norma Oyen, Chairman; Michael Quale,

Jan Thue, Linda Clemes

Makeup------------------Lucille Hennessy, Chairman;

Dorothy Olson, Micahel Quale

Music--------Sandi Blikre Chairman;

Margo Bartness, Jeannine Cote, Dorothy Olson, 

 Dennis Stromme, Gary Bickel

Chorus Manager-----------------------Gary Bickel

Patrons---------------------------------Sandi Blikre


Paula Haugen, Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church, National Guard Armory, Doug Flaten, Watford City Community Theater, American State Bank, KEYZ, CSTV, Williston Floral