About Entertainment Inc!

The Birth of a King

December 10, 1989 2:30, 7:30 pm

Directed by Joe Mendro, Jr.

Our Annual Christmas show has become a tradition of the holidays and this year is no exception.  Celebrate the joys of the season with the Inc! chorus as they present the much loved sights and sounds of the Christmas story, The Birth of a King.

The Company

Soprano Alto
Norma Oyen Teresa Delvo
Alma May Price Julie Synek
Oral Johnson Sharon Hoglund
Mary Kay Evanson Dorothy Olson
Mary Jo Harstad Mickey Loomis
Sue Storbakken Sarah Jane Johnson
Kathy Bartz Marlene Sebo
Jessica Nay
Lissa Dullum
Tenor Baritone/Bass
Gary D. Bickel B. Michael Quale
David Adams Dwight Wigness
Duane Severtson Joe Mendro, Jr.
L. Paul Stockan
Joe Mendro, Sr.
The Nativity
Joseph Don Hose
Mary Cheryl Jose
King Brad Rockstad, Allan Domagala, Rod Kerzman


Chad Hutchins, Jake Oyloe

Show Staff

Director/ Producer Joe Mendro, Jr.
Music Director David Binde
Rehearsal Accompanists Marilyn Ackerson, Jane Habiger
Set DEsign Joe Mendro, Sr., Joe Mendro, Jr.
Construction Crew Joe Mendro, Sr., Joe Mendro, Jr., Mary Jo Harstad, Sue Storbakken, Sharon Hoglund, Oral Johnson
House Manager/ Publicity Lynn Mendro
Technical Director Joe Mendro, Jr.
Light Operator George Meisel
Sound Operator James Ryen
Tickets Joan Mendro, Jeanette Price
Santa Claus As Himself
Program Design Lynn Mendro

Thank You

B. Michael Quale    Tom Kvamme     Metropolitan Federal Bank

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